Page name: Bush Supporters Association Discussions [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-05-19 02:42:55
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Edited by Owner

Hey guys, I've decided that I have waaay too little time to take care of this page and it isn't really serving its purpose anyway, so I'm shutting it down. I meant it to be mostly for members to chat and if an anti-Bush wanted to share their views, that'd be great. Instead it's either me or one of the very few members who want to talk defending our positions about Bush and frankly, I'm a bit sick of coming back to sort out the chaos. I'm still keeping the member sign-up page, so if people want to continue to chat with each other, please refer to that page. Also, those who want to join can still add their names to that page. Thank you for participating and sorry that I can't spare enough time.

[Ylaraniala Majere]

Here's the link to join: Bush Supporters Association Members

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2004-10-23 [wwwwwwwww]: "every time someone attacked us, we whooped'em" Actually, the Japanese were not whooped. They put up a stiff fight and the situation looked VERY bad for America MANY times. By no means did we "whoop" them. Also, if you think that attacking anyone who provokes you with all the resources you've got is the qualification that makes someone a good leader, then it is in fact yourself who is not looking at the facts. History and current events clearly illustrate that a leader must be able to do more than 1 thing "well".. if the term applies to Bush. You've seen the economy break down during his reign, you've seen global disquiet, you've seen mounting atrocities in third-world countries..

2004-10-23 [wwwwwwwww]: and all of this has happened during Bush's term. All he can offer is excuses, and no explanations to his foolish policies. I think it says something that the main argument for his campaign is "but Kerry is a hypocrite".. and if you examine that claim thoroughly you'll find that he is no less or more of one than any other politician. It's almost inevitable when your career is political, and it's the effort of the Bush campaign that has distorted it.. in essence creating a mountain of a mole-hill.

2004-11-14 [triad]: economical unrest. . . . well gee pah the WORLD TRADE CENTER, A HOMe TO MILLIONS OF DOLLARS AND TRADE BUISNESESS JUsT WENT DOWN. . . . . . . how bout you stop making excuses

2004-12-09 [Balthizar]: its more hten that, over three tousand people died in that bombing,alot of them americans,thats what hte fuss is about,suer were mad about it econimcly, but were pissed about it death wise

2004-12-09 [Doormat]: If Bush wasn't in power...the attack would not be a surprise...he had numerous FBI reports

2004-12-09 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Everyone keeps saying "He had a lot of FBI reports" "He had numerous FBI reports" "When he was at his home in Texas he got FBI reports".... may I have some proof please, because I didn't hear about this until much much after Sept. 11. In fact, I only started hearing about it after we went to war and people started pointing fingers. Please, some proof here.

2004-12-09 [Balthizar]: listen, the reports were jsut rumors, the FBI gets those all the time but they have to figure out which ines will actually happen.This is the first time they screwerd up so stop it

2004-12-09 [Doormat]: umm...can you confirm that they were rumors plz?

2004-12-09 [Balthizar]: it was on CBS news one night during 2003

2004-12-09 [Doormat]: night eh?

2004-12-09 [Balthizar]: it has been on several times but not lately due to hte fact that it isnt brought up anymore

2004-12-10 [Doormat]: lol...due to the staggering evidence of actual reports?

2004-12-10 [Balthizar]: the reprots all say the same thing, The FBi discredited them because they have gottent eh reports many time before, and each time htat had investigated and prepared htemselves it turnd out to be false.Now,in hte actual that they got right before the towers fell it said it would be by bomb not palne, htey had bomb crews there but there never was a bomb it haad been a ruse

2004-12-10 [Ylaraniala Majere]: I'm curious Diablo, where did you hear about the reports?

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